Angels Joy Charitable Trust (AJCT) was registered on 7th October 2020 under Section 32A of Registration Act 1908. The Founder and Treasurer is Mr. Vinayak Vasant Nirgudkar; a retired attorney, who is interested in the welfare of individuals in underserved communities. Ms. Padmavathi Reddy, a wife and a mother, also involved in social service work for years, is the President of the Trust. Mr. Sathya Narayanaraju Ratnakaram, a businessman, is the Trust’s Secretary. This charity is run by a dedicated team of volunteers and three passionate, motivated, and committed Trustees in making the world a better place.
Trust’s Objectives
- To establish, maintain and/or grant aid to help all establishments supporting individuals for shelter, education and healthcare purposes, including but not limited to old age homes, orphanages, schools or other establishments for the relief and help to the victims of violence, poor, needy and destitute people/orphans, street or abused children, widows and aged persons, etc.
- To mobilize the rural communities to become pro-environment and develop sense of protection to rebuild ecological balance.
- To build up awareness on health and education in underserved communities.
- To enhance land productivity through eco-friendly agriculture.
- To accept grants, donations/securities, and property of any kind for the benefit of the Trust and its programs.
Supporting individuals in need of care and protection the right to be in a safe environment where they are cherished, loved and cared for spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically and financially; and by enhancing their wellbeing, thereby enabling them to become valuable contributing members of the society.
The values to be instilled in the hearts and minds of children, adolescents, youth, and adults, directly or indirectly, in different facilities/projects/programs, are primarily drawn from Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings of Human Values such as, Truth, Love, Peace, Righteousness and Non-Violence, along with Yoga Principals of a life worthwhile living.
The goal of this Trust is to serve at risk children and individuals potentially in danger of facing violence and abuse to have
- Accommodation – A safe haven
- Food, clothing, education, medicine and primary health care services
- Programmes that assist them in developing social, mental and intellectual capability, through spiritual/secular education and vocational training, thereby offering them the opportunity to become independent and productive members of society
- Job opportunities for those individuals who, otherwise, are vulnerable and are in need of care and protection
Educational Center for at Risk Children Living in Huts

There are 41 families living in huts with 154 residents including adults and children in Karnatakanagepalli village, Andhra Pradesh. Their daily business includes collecting plastic, newspapers, iron materials or work as daily income. The municipality’s dumping yard is near to their huts. All the wastage food and other items are dumped in this area. There are 43 school children; 20 boys and 23 girls from different age group spanning 5 years to 15 years old, studying in different classes.
Many adults claim that they are fifth generations living in such conditions. Therefore, children born and raised in this community, if continuing living in the above circumstances, will also have no means to leave this life style unless they are helped to expand their vision, learn skills and gain knowledge to break the chain. These children are malnourished and are in desperate need of assistance in their education. If they are not helped and protected, they will be at risk of becoming 1. Beggars, 2. Forced into child marriage, and/or 3. Addicted to alcohol and/or drugs.
In this regard, Angels Joy Charitable Trust has established an Educational Centre at the site in order to make a difference in the lives of the children by helping them in their secular education as well as arranging programs for them, so they can grow with a solid background in human values.
To help these children, teachers and volunteers are asked to assist them to expand the children’s horizon and vision to new possibilities; plus, motivating them to strive for advancement in arts, music, sports and life skills.
Project’s Goals
- To help the children with reading, writing and speaking in all school subjects plus physical education, arts, music, vocal and yoga
- Bringing out the human values inherent through plays, stories, games, singing plus lesson plans on health and hygiene
- Teach children spiritual, social and life skills through audio-video clips

Food/Clothing Distribution
Angels Joy Charitable Trust provides staple food bags, clothing and shoe wear both at Huts and at other communities in need through donation of money or goods.

There are monthly health clinics at Huts where adults and children receive checkup and the required medicine.

Adopt a Homeless Child's Education

Planned Future Project
Angels Joy Charitable Trust is planning to open a Safe Home where young girls/women and elderly women who are either victims of violence and/or are in danger of facing abuse, will live for a specific period of time till they are healed, skilled and ready to live independently.
The program includes a skill training center where the residents as well as eligible local women are able to take advantage of the services.
The goal for this project is to build a good model for safe homes to form a beneficial meaning intergeneration relationships which enhances both groups overall well beings.
AJCT Activity Report 2022-2023
AJCT Activity Report 2021 - 2022

It is our belief that every act of kindness shall originate purely from the heart. Therefore, Angels Joy Trustees are volunteers without receiving any funds for travels or other expenses.
Angels Joy Charitable Trust’s projects have been able to continue successfully through the generosity of the valuable donors. To continue this relief work and secure a stable future, we humbly request all support today and tomorrow.
100 percent of your donation will reach the projects. Angels Joy makes every one of your rupees count.
You are the light giving love to angels with broken wings, so that they can fly again. Thank You.
Our Bank Details:
Account No: 130605006997
IFSC: ICIC0001306
Bank & Branch: ICICI Bank, Puttaparthi
D NO 48/63, Kota Satyam Complex
Opp. General Hospital
Puttaparthi - 515134, AP

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